What are the Points to Consider in Smile Design?
First of all, the smile design to be made should be specific to the patient. A design that can be applied to every standard patient is not suitable. Patient photographs are examined very well and the patient’s tooth shape, color, structure, gingival level, gingival tightness and health, movements and functions of the lips while smiling and talking are evaluated. Patient requests and what kind of smile they want are added to the planning and the personalized design is completed.
How Many Sessions Does the Patient Have to Go for an Examination in Smile Design?
When the patient comes to the examination for the first time,impressions, x-rays and photographs are taken and the smile design is prepared digitally. In the next session, the smile design is shown to the patient in the mouth with the application called ‘mock up’. When the patient and the physician decide on the design, the teeth that the patient will use permanently in the next session are prepared and placed in the patient’s mouth.
What are the Points to Consider in Smile Design?
First of all, the smile design to be made should be specific to the patient. A design that can be applied to every standard patient is not suitable. Patient photographs are examined very well and the patient’s tooth shape, color, structure, gingival level, gingival tightness and health, movements and functions of the lips while smiling and talking are evaluated. Patient requests and what kind of smile they want are added to the planning and the personalized design is completed.